Shuffle The Golden Salad: Your Tea review.. what is the hype all about?

Thursday 6 November 2014

Your Tea review.. what is the hype all about?

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Hello bloggers!

I am not one too ramble when it comes too reviews as I know you're reading too probably get a straightforward, honest review before you buy this product. I am just claiming obviously that my opinions are 100% honest and I know that anyone can just say that, however when you read the end of this article - I think you'll find I am fair with everything I say.. enjoy! 

What is it & how will it benefit me?
Now I am going too link you too their website because basically the tea is defined for one main thing which is cleansing of the digestive system therefore, you can read all the official 'about' information here so you know I am not lying hehe :)

How has it benefited you Sophie and what made you buy the tea?
As a blogger I am updated constantly with the latest trends involving beauty, lifestyle, fitness and so on... therefore I have actually heard of the tea for quite some time but if you're anything like me - I always review the product before I buy it and that is just not from one blogger. 

The first thing I thought was 'Oh my can it live up too its expectations?' It's not overly expensive too be fair but I didn't want too waste my money If i was getting it shipped. 
below is a picture of my face very recent around 5 days ago after eating clean & drinking 'your tea'.. as you can see yes I am wearing make-up, but my skin has never felt better and smoother than the last two weeks.. and it's becoming winter! 

The biggest mistake you can make before buying the tea if you're considering it?...
Be careful of instagram accounts and other bloggers. Some of the teas are either one week/two week or month detox progress. However I am not stating that they're lying.. I am simply just saying you cannot believe those photos just because they said it. I must admit if it's the truth - god bless them they look fantastic! Yet I am sure anyone who's been blagged before and false advertised like myself knows too be careful and wary of people promotion 'your tea' i.e. half the photos you see could be genuine progress. However some could be an 'empty/breathing in stomach in the morning' as an after shot and the before shot could be a picture of them breathing out and maybe 2lbs heavier? Just try and look at it that way - I in no way mean too be nasty or rude please I am not like that :-), I am just trying too tell any new users too be aware of this because some people sadly ruin it for the others. 

I understand that if you see more than good than bad reviews it's likely too appeal too you that way - but moral of that section^: do your own research too save disappointment.
below are some examples of 'yourtea' users:
(I just found these on Google images the first few if you want too find them):

You possibly may have seen a girl or a guy because men can buy it too - that have amazing before and after pictures. This tea will not make you lose weight on it's own - I repeat, this tea will not work magic for you ... on it's own. 

I benefited from the tea because I went through a stage where I completely binged for like a whole week. My water intake was horrendous, I wasn't eating vegetables.. I was eating junk all week I had no idea what came over me. My stomach was what you call 'a swamp' It looked as if I was carrying a baby no word of a lie! So I did a lot of research on the tea and decided too incorporate it into my lifestyle.

From this the tea is very filling and I also drink a lot of green tea anyway so the two combined was ideal for me anyway. I started too get back too running, I cut out processed junk and drank at least 2ltr water a day. By the third day is when usually you start too notice small changes. My stomach felt so much lighter. I felt more energized because obviously water is the majority of your body and I also had better skin. If you also struggle with lactose intolerant - 'yourtea' can help with bloating which is something I struggle with. 

I cut down from 3 sachets too 2 a day now because I eat a lot of super foods i.e. berries, kale, spinach etc so I don't feel like I need that digestive lift anymore. However I do feel like 'yourtea' will have a huge sales increase before or mainly after Christmas because that is the time that you're going too splurge - you have too! Yes your digestive system will go through hell & back and it will show, so treat your body the right way! 

Adding to that, their are so many upcoming tea's now trying too compete with 'yourtea' but I would recommend this one as beware of 'skinny tea' ... this has laxatives in I believe and you will lose weight but the extremely un-healthy way where you will just be on the loo and everything else that comes with that! 

I hope you enjoyed my review and grabbed my specific of the tea.. Very good for the digestive system yet you want maximum results? You don't need the tea too lose weight - just eat clean and move more and drink plenty! However, Involve that tea with that healthier lifestyle and I can promise you now.. you will see results. It's not magic - it's fact :) 

Please leave your comments below and let me know what you think and any suggestions on next post you would like too see? Happy blogging xox


1 comment:

  1. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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