Hi Everyone! I hope you have had a super scary and exciting Halloween! I went too Liverpool for Halloween with my friends and stayed in a gorgeous 5* hotel and we partied the night away.. it was amazing! On our way home we went too Cheshire Oaks near Liverpool, UK & we got a little carried away whilst shopping! Here are the beauty products I have brought, tested and now I would like too share my opinion with you...
Double Wear
I have had this foundation for around 2-3 weeks actually. The bottle is without a pump and as soon as you unscrew the top - it's literally all open so I have been using an ear bud too use the foundation. I dip the ear bud in there (clean obviously haha) and then dab on the areas on my face. I use a beauty blender as I do not like applying makeup with brushes unless it's eye shadow. This is because I feel like the foundation blends more and not as much gets wasted and lost within the bristles of a brush.
The foundation is thick and I have noticed that the coverage yes... it's 100% amazing coverage and It DOES last a good 8 hours. I have struggled for so long too find a foundation like this and it did cost me £29.50 but I know Estee Lauder is a company I would trust with my money so it's definitely worth while with what it promises.
Adding too that however.. I have blended one application of the foundation, thinking I could then add some more maybe too my freckles when I am going out - the foundation seems very hard too blend then. I have noticed my makeup then gets that dirty/muddy look as soon as I apply another layer. It also doesn't matter what I have done too prime my skin either. This is leading onto why I have brought the other products.
Double Wear Concealer (stay in place)
I am quite frankly struggling with bags already and I am 18! I work nights, have either too much sleep or too much, I haven't invested in any eye creams or potions because I didn't think I'd need too. However yes in the morning, I have noticed I have been getting bags and just an un-youthful look around my eyes and I realized maybe now it's time too take care of them and in the meantime.. disguise them!
When I went too get a match for the foundation - the lady also recommended me this which I absolutely fell in love with. You can apply this after or before the foundation. However the concealer is very thick and I think since the foundation is thick to apply, I would apply this first and I apply it using my fingers. I would recommend dabbing the product in your desired areas. Mine would be my eyes and around my chin. This concealer is RRP £21.50 however I grabbed a bargain on my shopping trip at just £15.50 and the light shade to medium.
Smashbox Photo Finish primer.
Okay.. I think we all know no matter what foundation you are wearing - a primer makes all the difference. I have tried MAC, Maybelline, L'Oreal, NYC and many other primers. I know it's so easy too stick too what you know however their are so many amazing beauty products appearing - and they definitely just need too be given a go!
I hold my hands up when I brought the foundation - I didn't wear a primer and I didn't even buy one on the day (only because I was limited with money) so I was obviously so excited when I brought a primer. Smash box is a company I would always swear by. Simply because I think we all put faith into companies who make-up artists use who we really like! I have never tried this one before however I have tried the oil-free primer and the photo finish light primer. Both of the products were - OK - however I didn't like the feel either of them had on my skin. That silky feeling for a primer has never grown on me when I can't see any product - If that makes sense? I would prefer a dewy finish as in my skin feels rich and plump.. everyone is too their own I guess. Although I must say I am not here too slate the company whatsoever I just didn't want anyone too think I was writing a false review as in I was getting paid too do this - just too clarify I am not.. I just want too become a successful beauty blogger one day.
This primer is exactly the feel I don't necessarily like - it's very silky and smooth on the skin. I must give it brownie points though. The Estee Lauder foundation lasts amazing without primer anyway.. HOW GOOD IS THAT?! YET OH MY GOODNESS.. the primer with this AND the concealer - I think I'm onto a winner with the flawless finish look.
Finally I would like too add - I wouldn't recommend the foundation every day simply because it's so thick It has made an impact on my skin, I had a major breakout on my chin and I think I need a more concentrated make-up cleanser when removing the product because I do know how important It is too remove make-up before bed but it's obviously just very heavy on my skin.
That is the only lesson I have took from this which is great to be honest, it's not a bad lesson because I have learnt something from my own personal experience: to invest in a good concealer and too wear a foundation that initially lets the skin breathe i.e. Hello Flawless by Benefit.
I am considering buying that and reviewing the product for you all too see i.e. comparing pictures with both foundations.

The Estee Lauder is fantastic for nights out, heavy work days and beach days as it does have SPF 10 which is great however obviously be careful with the photographs because we all know SPF plays havoc with making us look like ghosts in our photos!
I hope you enjoyed my small but invested make-up haul and that you have took something from my experience..maybe you agree or disagree? Please feel free too leave a comment below or any business enquiries email me at: wynnemariasophie@gmail.com
At the moment I am not being sponsored or getting paid too advertise these products. I also am giving my 100% truthful opinion and I wouldn't ever false advertise a product.
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