Shuffle The Golden Salad: Beginners guide to applying False Eyelashes

Friday 7 November 2014

Beginners guide to applying False Eyelashes

Good afternoon bloggers, 

So Halloween has just slipped away and I must say I have seen some tutorials and make-up looks that words simply cannot describe! However, I have never applied eye lashes before not even for a night out as I never really have felt the need too. However I went out as a kitty cat on Friday night and I had the 'winged eyeliner and lashes' going on! From watching endless beauty tutorials, I was able too remember key tips which I have learnt and practiced. I am going too show you in easy detail how too successfully apply eyelashes - no tricky equipment, just simple hands or tweezer application if you wish.

  1. I would recommend you apply any eye liner or eye shadow first simply because depending on the eyelash length - it will be a little tricky too apply those afterwards. Once you have a basic guide way of eye liner - you can easily disguise any gaps with more eyeliner. Always leave the lashes bare though until the lashes are applied, after applying the eye lashes - then blend your own eye lashes with the false ones.
  2. Make sure before you put glue onto the lashes that you measure them with your own eyes. Sometimes you will find their too long at the end so simply just snip bit by bit off at the end until they meet your desired length. Secondly, always make sure the eyelash is placed on the closest eye lash too your nose, as you're going too be cutting away the outer lashes and I say bit by bit because you don't want too cut too much off - work on them bit by bit.
  3. Once you have followed these two prep & prime steps what I would call them.. apply the glue too your false lashes. I recommend applying the glue first too the lashes and leaving them for 20-30 seconds so the glue is very sticky on the lashes. This is because I have noticed that when applying the glue and then straight away applying them that I can never get them too stick on and before you know it - you have ruined your eye-makeup! Yet everyone is too their own. 
  4. Try and measure the lashes to your own before applying them because if you have set the glue it will be tricky to adjust them once they have been applied and you will end up with glue on your lashes and we don't want that! 
  5. Hold the lashes even though they're sticky. Yes, they do have more chance of applying faster than applying them straight away - but they still need to be placed carefully.
  6. Once you feel as if the lashes are comfortable in their places - I like to use a cotton bud or a tweezer too use the skin on my eyeball too gently press down on the eye lashes. Not too harshly because you will knock the lashes off. This just helps the skin blend in more with the lashes and I feel as if it worked great for me! 
  7. More than usual for beginners its extremely frustrating at the beginning maybe and even for professionals because it's a bummer when you do all the eye prep and you only need one shaky hand too have that all ruined! Yet applying false eyelashes is incredibly fun I love all the quirky and crazy ones you can get these days and I would definitely consider wearing them more on nights out because they just enhance your eyes and they do look amazing! 

Too the left is my first attempt following all the tips and steps above. The right eye looks as if it's lost half the eyelash, but that was just the thickness of my eyeliner. This is extremely simple. I was pretty disappointed in my poor make-up for Halloween, however I have learnt some amazing skills and I hope to do better Christmas makeup! 


  1. Applying eyelashes is definitely something which you perfect with practise, great tips! xx

    Laura | lauraslittleloves

    1. yes laura you are so right! haha thank you :) xx
