Shuffle The Golden Salad: Blemish Face Mask - Montagne Jeunesse review

Monday 10 November 2014

Blemish Face Mask - Montagne Jeunesse review

Hello lovely bloggers,

Today I am doing a review on my all time favorite skin masks brand - Montagne Jeunesse!

At the end of each week, I like to wind down and give my skin a break. In winter especially due too the harsh weather conditions against your skin! However I do believe that beautiful skin is from the inside, i.e. what you eat/drink if you smoke/drink etc they all have effects on our skin! So when I come home I don't wear any make-up, I only try and stick to work and going out with friends. 

I have tried pretty much all of the popular Montagne Jeunesse masks and it goes to show you it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg to have nice skin! I tried the blemish mask which I will list below this morning and I am going to go through exactly what I thought of it as a first time user and my experience with it...

Why this mask? 

I haven't tried this one before! Adding to that I obviously had reasons on buying it as I have dealt with a lot of blemishes recently due to stress and climate change etc... I also Love Aloe Vera on the skin and it has so many amazing benefits and it's a natural cooler which aids in skin care terms - reduces redness, inflammation, scars, burns and so on....

How did the mask sit on your skin?

Unlike the hot masks that Montagne have, this one sat very thick. It set very quickly even with maybe too much product and It did literally feel like I had cement on my face. I'd say it's a good job that you don't have to sit with this on your face for half an hour because I definitely struggled to eat my breakfast within 5 minutes of it on my face.

Would I buy this product again?

Of course! However I never buy the same ones between each skin prep. I always like to mix it up and not necessarily go for the pretty looking ones, just the ones that I feel suit my skin at the time. Sometimes I will deep cleanse every Sunday for 30 minutes and then sometimes I will just want a quick tea-tree 10 minute pick me up - it varies nicely! 

The process of the mask. You don't have to use an exfoiliating glove to remove the product just a flannel of some sort with luke warm water. I like to use the glove because when I do want too deep cleanse, exfoiliating is very important and it strips away gently the dull skin and revives new skin - so you may as well make the most of the whole face mask process! I also love exfoilating with the mask because my skin is super smoothe afterwards and it just feels very clean, refreshed and healthy! The first picture is no-make up and the brightness from the bathroom light and window. I am quite blessed in a way to not really have many skin problems - I just have like every other girl pesky little zits and redness which appear daily! 

When I have removed the whole product, I then apply VIC vapor gel to my face for 5 minutes. That really helps the skin breathe and just nicely finish the whole procedure - like I said, I don't do this all the time just weekly. Finally I remove the vip with a damp towl which is cold too close all the pores and dampen my face. 

I hope you enjoyed my super quick post, and try it for yourself! If you didn't know, you can buy these face masks in pretty much every supermarket, retailer and so on and they vary from 89p too £2 mark! 

Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments and problems as well - I am always more than delighted to engage conversation!

Happy Blogging, 


p.s: there has been no content taken from any website. Everything was written by myself. These articles take a good hour to write so therefore I would not waste my time false advertising products. If I have reviewed a product on request I will state that. However this will make no difference to my opinion. If the product is simply awful or just doesn't do it for me - I kindly decline the offer. If I have brought it myself, I will state my honest experience. I am not sponsored by anyone to advertise, but I am open to samples/testing and product reviews. You can contact me over here at:

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