Shuffle The Golden Salad: Face mapping - free chart

Monday 24 November 2014

Face mapping - free chart


Afternoon bloggers, 

I figured this would be a good thing to write about since Christmas is coming & our skin tends to face most breakouts throughout seasons i.e. different climates, intake of more sugar/alcohol/processed food etc... You can apply whatever skin care you like - however if you have underlying skin problems then this will definitely help you. 

Your skin is a great reflection on your diet. I have luckily never been a sufferer of acne however, I have struggled with bumpy skin surfaces what sometimes is defined to some people as 'under the skin spots' so to tackle this problem I have took a look into my diet & well being. 

As you can see I don't have to do much talking as the face graph explains it all. If you have a lot of dairy, for example - you will notice this in the bladder area i.e. the forehead. Therefore I am actually just going to explain what you should be doing in order to tackle your skin area issue. 

Christmas is coming! Therefore please DO NOT wipe out all the yummy things you should be eating in order too maintain this idea of fantastic skin! What I do advise from what I have learnt recently is to keep your diet balanced. This is the time of year for me where I tend to eat a lot more carbs however I make sure their usually whole grain and I eat brown rice and I leave the unlimited amount of potatoes for Christmas day! I can get away with this now as I started my new job a week ago which means I now have a nice 25 minutes power walk back and forth each day. I also eat so much fish and chicken it's unreal & I drink my body weight in water and green tea at work and at home so I pretty much am already easily balanced with food.

If you have my problem or acne or uneven skin tone etc... products do work! However usually the product is underlying and you may need to just write down what you eat day in and day out. Regular detox days are important especially after a heavy weekend partying or eating out! 

Overall, my point is that Christmas I don't think is anybody's prime time to be losing weight. It's a time where we all wrap anyway so stuff the calories! However if you're on about skin care over winter here are some things to avoid and cut back on possibly too avoid major breakouts - I am not talking about small breakouts which are bound to happen. 

  • Central heating - this plays havoc with your skin apparently! So layering up in the house is probably a better option. 

  • Caffeine - coffees and energy drinks are okay maybe one in the morning to wake yourself up, but try and drink water and other teas and drinks in the day which are preferably sugar free. 

  • Too much alcohol - try and make sure you're keeping hydrated between drinks or before your night and after. This is a vital role in actually keeping your hangover at bay which I am sure everyone wants but your body also isn't going into complete Dehydration! If you're having troubles with your forehead then this is where your liver is unhappy. 

  • Too little exercise - I have no excuses anymore. I don't own a car and their are no buses that go my way to work so I have at least 50 minutes fast walking a day which I need to be honest when working at a computer all day! 

Their are plenty more things you can do however these are just tips I have learnt from my personal experiences. One thing I would like to write about next time is starting from today I will be doing a 30 day skin map hopefully where each day I will be able track my progress & changes in my diet to help eliminate these skin issues and then to share with you guys! 

I hope I have helped a few of you with just general skin care tips or ideas - this was just something I was thinking about on my dinner today and I thought it may come in handy.

Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments and problems as well - I am always more than delighted to engage conversation!

Happy Blogging, 


p.s: there has been no content taken from any website. Everything was written by myself. These articles take a good hour to write so therefore I would not waste my time false advertising products. If I have reviewed a product on request I will state that. However this will make no difference to my opinion. If the product is simply awful or just doesn't do it for me - I kindly decline the offer. If I have brought it myself, I will state my honest experience. I am not sponsored by anyone to advertise, but I am open to samples/testing and product reviews. You can contact me over here at:


  1. This makes sense for me, I've been so busy with work, family, etc I haven't been taking care of myself nutrition wise, my diet is very poor now and consists of coffee and not much else...I break out a lot around my lips it's terribly annoying (and painful). Great post!

    1. Hello Lian, I never saw this I am so sorry about that. Have you still got the same problems? I ask this because It can also have a lot to do with your make-up, are you taking care of your skin properly and also, are you over-cleasning? I have wrote posts that are very relevant to your situation and I am pretty sure they will help you out.

      Coffee however assists in the body actually creating stress because of the caffiene i.e. a lot of monster drinks / relentless energy drinks will break you out from the sugar.

      I hope I have helped a little more, keep in touch with your progress! :) Thank you again for commenting, all the best in the new year!
