Shuffle The Golden Salad: Considering buying Estee Double Wear? If you have sensitive skin, thing again...

Monday 29 December 2014

Considering buying Estee Double Wear? If you have sensitive skin, thing again...

Small introduction, hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

I got kitted out for Christmas by my mum with a new coat, jumpers, a new dress, new heels and a few more bits and bobs. I have been forever grateful for everything I got this year! One thing I did do was sort my skin out and with my money .. I spent quite a bit on skin care and new make-up!

Introduction/experience at Boots - Clinique counter: I headed to Clinique for the intentions of buying new skincare products and a new foundation... Sarah approached me the lady on the counter & was absolutely lovely! Most make-up counter assistants as we know tend to have the reputation of the following: snobby, sales driven to the point they'll sell you just anything and they also have this thing of looking down their noses... when they're only on minimum wage most of them so I think the management need to snap them out of that attitude straight away! Sarah on the other hand was so friendly, understanding and actually put her time in me. I knew I was going to buy the make-up and skin care yet I did say instead of a jaw match, could she remove my make-up on the left side of my cheek to take a look at it as it was very red.

Acknowledging my sensitive skin & my personal experience with Estee Lauder Double Wear

My skin recently only on the left side of my cheek starting at the bottom of my chin to my eyebrow was red, scarred from small zits I had broke out with flaking around my nose. It got quite delicate and I changed my whole diet thinking that was the reason. I could not understand why I was breaking out when I was walking to work and back 1:30 hours a day, eating a tonne of fruit and veg, avoiding takeaways and sugar... I then looked at my make-up. I religiously take my make-up off at night no matter what (unless I am too drunk from a night out and fall asleep!) At the start of my break-out, the make-up I was using was Estee Lauder double wear and the light concealer also by Estee Lauder. As you can see there we have a combination of a pretty thick layer of make-up if you have done your research on double wear! They claim that the foundation lasts up to fifteen hours! Estee Lauder is fantastic for coverage, amazing for a full days work or a night out! However I personally wouldn't recommended wearing it if you have sensitive skin like I do. Since I have never had problems before with my skin whatsoever, not even a bad breakout, I didn't think twice about what impacts the foundation could have on my skin. Therefore It is recommended that you discuss using this product with a dermatologist before you consume the product. I only just found out my skin was sensitive after looking in to this and what caused my breakout. Any makeup has the potential to clog pores, and double wear just like any other foundation on the market will damage your skin in years to come - hence why skin care is so important! 

Want to find the products I used to treat my skin? Then click here & here

Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments and problems as well - I am always more than delighted to engage conversation!

Happy Blogging, 


p.s: there has been no content taken from any website. Everything was written by myself. These articles take a good hour to write so therefore I would not waste my time false advertising products. If I have reviewed a product on request I will state that. However this will make no difference to my opinion. If the product is simply awful or just doesn't do it for me - I kindly decline the offer. If I have brought it myself, I will state my honest experience. I am not sponsored by anyone to advertise, but I am open to samples/testing and product reviews. You can contact me over here at:

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