Shuffle The Golden Salad: How to beat winter blues!

Thursday 25 September 2014

How to beat winter blues!

Introduction: Crazy topic, right?! I know it's only just left summer and already in Autumn, yet some of us are definitely feeling the cold and the nasty bugs that come with it... one of those innocent people would be me, what a surprise!

I was up on Wednesday night til 3:47am, covered in Vic and trying to sweat the flu out.. I could say it was one of the worst nights sleep I have ever had. Somehow I got to sleep and I thought 'wow, I think it's gone' Yet I was so wrong! Last December I ended up in hospital with a cruel lung infection. I tried too fight the flu off without anti-biotics and too try and still go to work but my immune system was so low I couldn't not take the anti-biotics. That was the first year I had severe tonsillitis and diagnosed with asthma.

SO.. this is why I am going to let you all know some home-remedies of mine and obviously one's I have took from my grandma when she has had too look after me. You can use these now and think well ahead of yourself to ward off the flu or you can use these whilst you're pending a doctor's appointment too soothe the flu symptoms!

  • Clean up your diet and pack it with whole/pure/organic/unprocessed/anti-oxidant rich, and anti-inflammatory foods. 
After all you are what you eat. The weather is going too get so cold soon outside and so many people will be carrying a bug that if you don't start looking after yourself - you are going to fall ill as you are not invisible. Instead of heading to Mc'donalds for breakfast, have yourself some porridge with blueberries or banana and maybe some honey! So much more nutrient for the body and also less calories and will do wonders for building that immune wall! Berries are great for the skin & are also fat burning foods as they're super foods so instead of thinking of it as 'it's sick food' they're actually very tasty, filling and good for you!

The colder season is coming so you need to make sure you are eating warmer foods. Also eating hot food instead of cold food makes the digestive system more at ease and then your stomach doesn't end up in a swamp.. right before party season! Don't want that do we?

Finally anti-inflammatory foods! Why are these important foods? Let's start with the name... Anti-inflammatory is part of your immune system, without this - we cannot heal our bodies. Fatty fish, whole grains, dark leafy greens, nuts,  soy, low-fat-dairy, peppers, tomatoes, kale, ginger and turmeric etc... Get them all on your plates this instant!
With about 70% of the Immune system residing in the gut, this is the main focus on your health! Heal the gut starting today!

  • Eat your garlic & Coconut Oil

    If not breathing on/ or kissing anyone for a few hours (OK maybe a day) meant saving you from feeling like you are on deaths door - then I'd definitely have some garlic in my dinner! Garlic is anti-bacterial, it acts as a potent antibiotic, anti-fungal and anti-viral and can prevent infections from taking hold and spreading. It is also rich in Vitamin C (vital for high immune system), B6, Selenium and many others.. therefore lots of immune boosting benefits! Only a couple raw cloves is all you need a day and you can chop it up and add it to salads, soups, sauces or already cooked meals. A few drizzles never did anyone in good healthy any harm!

    Coconut oil is fattening so be careful when throwing it in foods and smoothies but it's a very good fat and the fat won't do you any harm at all. Coconut strengthens the immune system as it contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid which have anti fungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

    • Steaming the face with VIC
    I have done this a few times for clearing my skin or opening my pores. When you are all flu'ed up and you have a runny nose the mucus is most likely too drip down onto the throat and aggravate your cough even more. Therefore always have tissues ready to blow your nose and clear the airways and also if you cough up any mucus no matter how much, get rid of it, you have coughed it up for a reason - you body doesn't want it there no more!

    1. This tends to work wonders in the night when the cough will come at it's worst when you're lying down.
    2. Get a bowl big enough too fit your face in - usually a washing up bowl does the trick (just wash it out before you cleanse your face).
    3. Boil the kettle until it's piping hot and before you empty the kettle into the bowl, place some Vic from the pot into the bottom of the bowl. I tend too use 5 fingertips worth for this action.
    4. Then pour the water in the bowl - you must have a towel ready. You don't need a lot of water - not even a quarter of the sink if you're using a big sink basin type.
    5. Then place the bowl with the hot water in somewhere where you can sit comfortably. I tend too lie it on the floor so I can lie down and place my head over it as if you're doing it for several minutes, it is going to hurt your back if sitting and leaning over it.
    6. So then you're going to place the towel over your head whilst over the bowl. BEWARE - if you've done this quickly which is the most efficient way because the water is the hottest, then if your face is very hot and uncomfortable, breathe for a second and let some of the hot air out.
    7. However try and bare the heat to a certain extent because the VIC and hot water are opening not just the pores and clearing the skin beautifully, they are clearing your airways and making it easier and clearer too breathe.
    8. You can do this until the water heat as cooled and you can then take the towel off and dab your face dry. 
    Top Tip: Also when going to get into bed afterwards - if your airways are still not completely clear, cover the nose corners with VIC, behind the ears, chest, back of the neck and forehead. Honey & Lemon clear the throat best to relieve tickly coughs in the night or when you're having a nasty attack.

    • If you do fall ill - take note of how you got ill! 
    I could write a book on what foods to eat or what pills too buy to get prevent and soothe the cough. You need too take care of your gut this winter - you should all the time to be honest but your body is more likely to under come attack other than summer as in winter you tend too lack major vitamin D which is what the sun gives us naturally. If the cough continues though for more than 4-6 weeks contact your GP as it could be an underlying problem and you possibly may just have too have it treated or antibiotics because your body can't fight off the infection. other than that, I hope you all have a super autumn/winter season. If you'd like too read more posts like this or similar ideas then please drop a comment below. :) xo

    Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments and problems as well - I am always more than delighted to engage conversation!

    Happy Blogging, 


    p.s: there has been no content taken from any website. Everything was written by myself. These articles take a good hour to write so therefore I would not waste my time false advertising products. If I have reviewed a product on request I will state that. However this will make no difference to my opinion. If the product is simply awful or just doesn't do it for me - I kindly decline the offer. If I have brought it myself, I will state my honest experience. I am not sponsored by anyone to advertise, but I am open to samples/testing and product reviews. You can contact me over here at:

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